Kurita ASEAN Event

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Keynote speech

Hirohiko Ejiri 
President and Representative Executive Officer, Kurita Water Industries

Kurita's Dropwise Condensation Technology: Revolutionary new technology to improve heat transfer coefficient
Providing the value of water reclamation and recycling
Zeta Ace Program: Alternative of Inorganic Coagulant for Water and Wastewater Treatment

Kurita's Dropwise Condensation Technology: Revolutionary new technology to improve heat transfer coefficient

Dropwise Condensation Technology is a breakthrough of Kurita in the form of innovative application to save energy, increasing the efficiency of heat transfer on metal surfaces by lowering the condensation film. Hence, it increases the heat transfer process, to be more effective along with more otptimal metal surface protection. This heat transfer efficiency provides energy saving that can be observed from the decrease in steam consumption. In this presentation, we will explain the technical aspect of how Dropwise application can lead to energy saving and other savings targets, made possible by this innovative technology by Kurita


Picture of San Linn Nyunt
San Linn Nyunt

General Manager, Technical Department, Kurita (Singapore) Pte Ltd


Providing the value of water reclamation and recycling

Water reclamation has never been more important due to water security and recognition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in bringing a positive environmental impact into busines models.
Welcome to join us in this webinar, whereby we will introduce Water Reclamation Technologies, namely the Customized Optimal Read-Made Reclamation (CORR) System and Cooling Tower Blowdown Recovery (CTBR) systems that may be appliable in your effort to reduce, reuse and recycle the wastewater


Picture of Tristan Ng
Tristan Ng

Manager, Plant Division, Kurita (Singapore) Pte Ltd


Zeta Ace Program: Alternative of Inorganic Coagulant for Water and Wastewater Treatment

Common inorganic coagulant require neutralizer and generate large amount of sludge. However, Kurita has new innovation that can subsitute inorganic coagulant with the technology called as Zeta Ace. By applying Zeta Ace as alternative coagulant, it could help to achieve reducing total cost of water or wastewater system with better performance than common inorganic coagulant.


Picture of Suhartono

Chief Engineer, New Development Project Team, PT. Kurita Indonesia



Event partner:

The main mission of the Kilian Jornet Foundation is the preservation of mountains and their environment.

Although mountain environments are different throughout the world, they share many of the same problems as they are very vulnerable natural areas. Our goal is to work towards a durable, solid and long-lasting cooperative engagement and collective action in order to preserve mountain environments.

Study the properties of water, master them, and we will create an environment in which nature and humanity are in harmony
